Fall Prevention

Finding Balance

Falls can happen to anyone, but as we age we are more at risk. A serious fall can affect your quality of life. However, falls are preventable and are not a natural part of aging.

Finding Balance is an awareness campaign targeted for adults aged 55 and older living in the Eastern Health region. This campaign focuses on real life strategies that adults can implement to prevent falls which are highlighted through four key messages:

  • Watch Your Step
  • Speak Up About Dizziness
  • Check Your Medications
  • Keep Active

Watch Your Step

Wherever you are;

  • Keep your home well lit and free of clutter.
  • Be aware of uneven surfaces and icy conditions when walking.
  • Have your vision checked every year.
  • Wear supportive shoes to help maintain balance.
  • Slow down and take your time

The ideal show diagram

Speak Up About Dizziness

Tell your health-care provider and take action

  • Have your blood pressure checked when you are lying down and standing up. You may start to feel dizzy if your blood pressure drops quickly when you stand up.
  • After lying in bed or sitting in a chair be sure to clench your fists and circle your ankles ten times. Take your time and get up slowly.
  • Tell your doctor if you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Medications can be one of the causes of dizziness.
  • Drink fluids each day to prevent dehydration which may cause dizziness.

Check Your Medications

Talk to your health-care provider or pharmacist

  • Be sure to use the same pharmacy for your prescriptions to prevent harmful interactions.
  • Review your medications with your health care provider or pharmacist each year.
  • Medications that relax you, help you sleep, or improve your mood, can also increase your risk of falls.
  • Don’t forget that over-the-counter pills, vitamins, and herbal supplements must also be considered when taken with your medications.

Keep Active

Exercise for Strength and Balance

  • Regular exercise can help to prevent a fall by increasing your strength and improving balance.
  • Ask your local physiotherapist or health-care provider about the best type of exercise program for you.
  • Seek advice from an occupational therapist about the best way to stay safe and keep active while doing everyday activities at home or in your community.
  • Be active for 30 minutes a day. Check out the 101 ways to get Active in Newfoundland and Labrador.

How to get up from the floor by yourself after a fall:

How to get up after a fall diagram







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Last updated: 2019-11-05