Healthy Eating for Toddlers

Health Canada and the World Health Organization recommend breastfeeding up to two years of age and older, along with age-appropriate solid foods.  By one year of age, your child should be eating basically the same foods as the rest of the family.  It is never too early to help your child learn to enjoy healthy eating.

As a parent or guardian, you decide:

What healthy foods to serve

Toddlers do not need special foods. Offer basically the same food you prepare for the rest of the family.

When to serve meals and snacks

Toddlers like a regular routine. Offer meals and snacks at about the same time each day.

Where to serve meals and snacks

Include your toddler at the family table. This helps toddlers learn about foods and how to feed themselves.

How to serve meals and snacks

Make mealtimes pleasant without any pressure to eat a particular food or to eat a certain amount. Offer familiar foods along with new foods.

It is important that toddlers are able to decide if they will eat what is offered and how much. They know how hungry they are.


For more information on how you can help your toddler develop healthy eating habits, check out this resource from Baby Friendly NL: Healthy Eating for Your Toddler (PDF),


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Last updated: 2019-10-22