Healthy School Celebrations

Schools can help promote a positive learning environment by providing healthy celebrations.

There are many benefits of healthy celebrations:

  • Better learning.
  • Reinforces what students are learning in the classroom.
  • Fosters a school environment that supports healthy living.
  • Creates excitement about healthy eating.
  • Protects children with food allergies.
  • Shows parents and the larger school community that the school is interested in the health of its students.

Here are some easy, healthy ways to reinvent a party:

  • Shift the focus from ‘Food’ to ‘Fun’.
  • Organize a scavenger hunt related to the party theme.
  • Plan special party games and activities.
  • Celebrate the occasion with outdoor activities and games such as hopscotch, jump rope and tag.
  • Have students decorate a plant pot and plant seeds.
  • Go for a class walk and sing songs with the students.
  • Set up craft stations.

Celebrate with Healthy Party Snacks:

  • Fruit smoothies
  • Fruit kabobs
  • Vegetable and fruit trays
  • Whole grain crackers and cheese
  • Hummus served with vegetables or pita wedges

Schools, students and parents can work together to ensure school celebrations are healthy.


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Last updated: 2020-07-31