
Everyone should wear a helmet when bicycling, in-line skating, skateboarding, skiing, skating and playing hockey.  As of April 1, 2015, the all-ages bike helmet legislation came into effect in Newfoundland and Labrador.  All bicyclists will be required to wear a bicycle helmet when cycling on public roadways.  Parents of children under 16 are responsible if they knowingly allow their children to cycle without a helmet.

Helmets can reduce the severity of head injuries when worn correctly. All riders should wear a properly fitted helmet, regardless of age. Use the 2V1 rule: 2V1 rule (PDF):

  • 2 fingers above the eyebrow– A helmet should cover the forehead and sit at a two fingers’ thickness above the eyebrows.
  • V-shape – Side straps should fit around the ears and sit in a V shape.
  • 1 finger under the chin – Tighten the chin strap until one finger fits between the chin and the strap.

Choose the right helmet for each activity, make sure it fits correctly; and is certified (meets approved CSA standards). Never buy a used helmet.

Some provinces have helmet legislation for various types of activities such as when riding an ATV, cycling or skiing. Municipalities also have regulations/by laws concerning helmet use. It is best to contact your municipal or Provincial Government for details.

Model safe behavior. Regardless of age, everyone – adult and child – should wear a helmet! 


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Last updated: 2019-08-09