Physical Activity for Adults

Physical activity is essential for your health, well-being and quality of life. It reduces stress, strengthens the heart and lungs, increases energy levels,  and improves your outlook on life. If you’re pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, being physically active can help you have a healthy pregnancy.

The Public Health Agency of Canada encourages Canadians to be active in their everyday lives: at home, at school, at work and at play.

Adults aged 18-64 years need 150 minutes of heart pumping, moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity a week. Just as important though, is looking at our movement throughout the whole day. This includes the amount of time spent on screens and sedentary activities as well as getting adequate amounts of sleep.

Being physically active not only strengthens your body, it also makes you feel good about yourself.




Physical activity doesn’t mean only sports! Make your whole day matter by including everyday activities like:

  • using active forms of transportation like walking, biking, or wheeling to do errands or get to work,
  • walking the dog,
  • planting a garden,
  • making family time, active time by playing games with the kids such as tag, hopscotch or soccer,
  • doing household chores like vacuuming, raking leaves, or sweeping the garage.

Take a step in the right direction by adding physical activity to your daily routine.  Start by slowly increasing your activity to meet the Canadian physical activity guidelines, for adults (18-64 Years) (PDF) developed by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP).

The CSEP provides physical activity tips for various age groups, from babies to seniors, as well as special populations like women who are pregnant or people with multiple sclerosis.


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Last updated: 2021-01-04