Active at Work

If your job involves a lot of sitting, make sure you get up and stretch during the day.  It’s a good move for your health!

Many of us spend a great deal of our work day sitting and doing repetitive physical tasks (especially computer work). This is not good for our health.  Not only is it harmful to sit too much, repetitive work such as typing or operating a cash register can cause problems for our bodies. Over time we may feel stiffness and pain in many areas of our bodies, including wrists, arms, shoulders, neck and back.

Just as in the rest of your life, you should make movement a regular part of your work day:

  • Instead of always emailing or phoning colleagues who are in your workplace, take time to walk to their offices.
  • Make stretching part of your work day using these exercises at The Mayo Clinic, Office Stretching Information
  • Organize walking lunches with your co-workers (or go alone for some quiet time).  Even 10 minutes of activity is beneficial.
  • Stand as you return phone calls or take part in a teleconference.
  • Organize standing and walking meetings.
  • Take the stairs, when possible.
  • Explore opportunities for fitness classes or other forms of physical activity during the work day.

Many employers already know that we’re all more productive at work when we get up, move and stretch!


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Last updated: 2019-03-06